[Kibana] High and inconsistent RAM usage after upgrade to 8.11.1

Hi guys,

we have updated our Elastic Stack to the current latest version 8.11.1. But we have observed a higher RAM usage and data lacks related to the kibana instance, therefore we didn't continue to update our prod stage. I have already created an issue on the elastic/kibana github repo. Please check the issue for more details. We were thankful if someone give us some hints and guides how to reach a stable kibana instance, because before the stages DEV and INT are not healthy we can't upgrade the PROD stage.

Best regards :slight_smile:

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I have tagged our operations team on the issue. Thanks for creating it.


@bhavyarm Thanks a lot :pray:. I hope someone can help out, because the problem described above still exists and therefore we can't upgrade PROD.

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