The number of queries exceeds 10000

I have a question about search, how to query over 10000 item, I know some api about search after, scroll, from size, but I want to achieve the ability to select the page I want after querying 10000 items, like this

and how is this function implemented in Kibane? Thank you to all the engineers for their replies


You can use:

  • the size and from parameters to display by default up to 10000 records to your users. If you want to change this limit, you can change index.max_result_window setting but be aware of the consequences (ie memory).
  • the search after feature to do deep pagination.
  • the Scroll API if you want to extract a resultset to be consumed by another tool later. (Not recommended anymore)

thank you very much :pray: :pray:, I have another question, How does kibana achieve custom page jump after querying 10,000 records? and Using search after can only perform operations on the previous and next pages(the version is 6.7.2).

Where does Kibana do that?
Upgrade your version please as a matter of urgency.
This one does not contain all the fixes including security patches.