This node doesn't appear to be auto-configured for security. Expected configuration is missing from elasticsearch.yml

Kindly Help, While the Elasticsearch is with the default elasticsearch.yml it is giving such error
/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-reconfigure-node --enrollment-token
Generates all the necessary security configuration for a node in a secured cluster

Option Description

-E Configure a setting
--enrollment-token The enrollment token to use
-h, --help Show help
-s, --silent Show minimal output
-v, --verbose Show verbose output

ERROR: Aborting enrolling to cluster. This node doesn't appear to be auto-configured for security. Expected configuration is missing from elasticsearch.yml.

The doc for elasticsearch-reconfigure-node CLI says

The elasticsearch-reconfigure-node tool reconfigures an Elasticsearch node that was installed through an RPM or DEB package to join an existing cluster with security features enabled.

Does that match your environment?

I solved the error by reinstalling the elasticsearch and then again enrolling for the cluster token but still don't know the exact reason for the above error.... Environment and all are same while I reinstalled the elasticsearch

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