How can I create time based events in Kibana when I post something to elastic search?
How and What I am posting:
Function takes Json input in a loop.
def file_shipper(host_facts):
ES_HOST = "exampleelasticsearch"
es = Elasticsearch(host=ES_HOST)
index = "test"
es_index = IndicesClient(es)
if es_index.exists(index):
print(f"{index} already exists, skipping creation")
print(f"{index} is created")
req = requests.post(f'https://{host}/test/test',data=host_facts, verify=False)
host_facts looks like this
"_index": "test",
"_type": "test",
"_id": "AWjom6txnKgMFUMColSE",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"ip": "",
"hostname": "ARISTA-01-L3",
"vendor": "Arista",
"model": "DCS-7160-48YC6-F",
"os_version": "4.20.11M-10590868.42011M",
"uptime": 4243232,
"cpu": {
"0": {
"%usage": 14.1
"latency": {
"RTT": 17.562,
"packetloss": 0
"RTT": 0.33,
"packetloss": 0
"@timestamp" : October 24th 2018, 10:20:45.67
on kibana I'm not able to create timebased events, it works if I uncheck time based events. How can I populate timestamp correctly, so that I can create timebased events?
Thanks in advance!