Timeline Error - a.reduce is not a function


We have a fairly simple cluster which has everything in working order.

However, the Timeline part does not work for some alerts. There is no correlation we can see between the alerts that this works for and the ones that it does not.

Attaching a print screen as kibana / cluster logs do not seem to show anything relevant.

Thank you.

What version of Kibana is this?

Version for cluster and kibana is : 8.12.0

Thanks, something similar was happening on earlier 8.x versions and was fixed, but should not still be in 8.12. By chance is this happening with only certain combinations of: alert/rule type? Suppressed alerts? Do these alerts have any exceptions associated (1 or multiple)? Alerts generated on pre 8.12 kibana and now error when opening? Alerts that were generated from a data source on 7.x or earlier version?

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