Please excuse, there is not a timelion category yet.
I am new to elasticsearch/kibana so thanks for your patience.
There is an index 'testindexname' with entries in the following format:
{"_index":"testindexname","_type":"datecount","_id":"201612022249","_version":1,"found":true,"_source":{ "clientId" : "1", "date" : "2016-12-02", "count" : 37857.0 }}
I can see the visualisations fine in kibana's 'visualize' and 'dashboard'.
However, es(*) only gives a value of 0 for the timeline.
The following es() arguments have been tried without change:
- es(index='testindexname')
- es(metric='sum:count')
- es(q=clientId:1)
- and a combination of the parameters.
Changing the date window (tried 5y, 2y, 1y, 30d, etc.) does not help.
What am I missing?
Note: for an end result, I would like to index multiple client ids (1, 2, ...) and graph in timelion a line for each graph.
I do not know if it is cleaner to put each client id in a separate index or to use one index for multiple client ids.
Thanks for your time.