Timelion - Failure Rate problem

Dear All,

I would like to create Timelion line chart which should show the failure rate in %.
The 'info' field shoudl contain 2 value. FAILED or PASSED
I have this query:

(.es(index=my-index-*,timefield=@timestamp,q='name: "Ape Report Result -" AND result:"First run*" AND info:FAILED',metric=count).divide(**13**)).cusum().multiply(100)
This is good:

It shows the good chart as I expected, but only when I hardcoded a value into the divide function.

How can I substitute the "13" with a count number based on another query.
Like this:

   .es(index=my-index-*,q='name: "Ape Report Result -" AND result:"First run*" AND info:*')

It should give the passed + failed records as well.
I tried to include it into the divide function but the result is bad:
(.es(index=gbucs-docstore-*,timefield=@timestamp,q='name: "Ape Report Result -" AND result:"First run*" AND info:FAILED',metric=count).divide(.es(index=my-index-*,q='name: "result: First run*" AND info:*'))).cusum().multiply(100)

Can somebody help me?


I think I found the solution. :smiley: added .aggregate(sum)

Just one question.

Is there any way to create smoothed lines in Timelion?

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