Timelion timeseries in kibana visualise

Hi just discovered the timeseries visualise option inside kibana 4.5 great thing but...

it seems that the timeseries only compute base on his internal timelion syntax/filtering and so only change value if i adjust the timeframe and not does not change if i filtered by using the filtering box.
i explain as i see what i wrote not clear.

i create a .cumulative() timeserie like this .cusum(.es(*)) and i see reality of the cumulative value.

if i want to filter in the dashboard with smith* all my other visu change but not the timeseries and still show me the total cumulative.
but it change if i change the start and stop date of the query

is it normal/ not done for the moment or a b..g?

Correct, the timelion visualization does not currently play nice with Kibana filters. I've got a ticket on it, just trying to decide on implementation: https://github.com/elastic/timelion/issues/80

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