Timelion visualizations don't stop flashing/pulsing


I'm having a issue with timeseries visualization. When creating a timeseries visualization with a query to a certain index and a division (e.g. .es(index="index-*", q="some_query1 && some_query2").divide(.es(index="index-*", q="some_query")).multiply(100).label("xxxxx").color(#00a300)), and peaking 1h interval, the visualization don't stop flashing/pulsing larger and smaller.

Is this a bug from kibana 5.1.1?


Looks like you've already found the existing bug on this issue: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/8341

No fix yet but it's on our radar. I know this isn't a great solution, but it looks like someone had success tweaking the size of the window or visualization.

Thank you Stacey,

Tweaking the size of the visualization didn't solve it, only selecting a interval of 7 days stabilized the timeseries visualization.

I'll wait for good news,

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