In my use case, I created two fields for the values of start_time and end_time based on some indicators in the log lines
with kibana discover , I want to search for all the log lines that their timestamp is between these two fields start_time and end_time
any ideas please?
Hi @Farah_Bhr
It would look something like this but with your field names
@timestamp >= "2023-03-28T16:31:07.611Z" and event.ingested <= "2023-03-29T16:31:07.611Z"
Hello , thank you for your response
I didn't understand exactly your use case
In fact I know there is such an option with >= and < , but I want to search for the @timestamp between two already defined fields , meaning , instead of searching with timestamp values like this :
"range": {
"@timestamp": {
"gte": "2023-03-03T15:00:00.000Z",
"lte": "2023-03-03T17:00:00.000Z"
I want to change it to something similar to this (or using dynamic variables):
"range": {
"@timestamp": {
"gte": "start_time",
"lte": "end_time"
With start_time and end_time are fields I defined so that "gte" and "lte" take the values of start_time and end_time fields
I don't know if there is a way to do so ?
If you can help me with this
Thank you in advance
Kibana Discover KQL or filters do not operate on the value within another field, they operate on discreet values.
Where / How were you thinking you would define the start and end time values?.. in a Document?
Ah okay , so this is not possible
I thought of it because in my use case , I have a lot of logs and I want to search in the log lines for an id and its flow (all logs lines related to that id) in the logs , and for every id I have indicators in the message log lines knowing that this specific id started and finished.
For example, when I have this message in the log lines "Created new id 0x56789" , I know that the flow of this specific id started , so that's why I thought of creating with logstash a new field to detect the start_time and end_time
If you have any ideas or if you can help me with this ?
Thank you
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