Tooltip - timelion

Hi guys,
Good afternoon ,

Can I create a tooptip cursor for the timelion kibana for new release elastic search 7.5 version ?
If so , can you anyone help me

thanks in advance

What exactly do you mean by tooltip cursor? Also, this is tagged as alerting and docker, could you clarify how this is related?

Hi Joe,

Actually , I want a cursor to show the data points in kibana 7.5 version , so I need to create a cursor indicating each data points in timelion kibana,
Please help me

What do you mean by cursor? If you hover over the chart, a legend will appear showing the value of your chart at the current position.

Hi Flash1293,

In the timelion , in the new elastic version(7.5) the cursor was not showing.
So , for that any query is there for tooltip?

I can't reproduce this problem, what browser / OS are you using?

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