Trouble installing Elasticsearch plugin


Everytime I try to install plugin from zip file, it fails with different errors.
So, I manually extract plugin to plugins folder.

I am trying to use readonlyrest plugin:
But I get following error:

C:\Tools\elasticsearch-1.5.2>bin\plugin.bat --url file://C:\PVR\Downloads\ --install readonlyrest
-> Installing readonlyrest...
Trying file://C:/PVR/Downloads/
Failed: UnknownHostException[C]
Failed to install readonlyrest, reason: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use --verbose to get detailed information

Request you to please suggest how to resolve this.

Or any manual method to install it.



bin\plugin.bat --url file:/PVR/Downloads/ --install readonlyrest

If not working, create a plugins/readonlyrest dir in your es dir and unzip the zip content there.

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Thanks @dadoonet The command worked.

But when I start the Elasticsearch now, I get the following error.

{1.5.2}: Initialization Failed ...
1) NoSuchMethodError[<init>(Lorg/elasticsearch/common/settings/Settings;Lorg/elasticsearch/client/Client;)V]

I assume this plugin is causing some issue. Any suggestions.

Might not be compatible with this version...

Yes. It seems so.
Plugin is available for different versions. 1.5.x plugin version failed with Elasticsearch 1.5.2

But the 1.4.x plugin version worked with Elasticsearch 1.4.1

I wonder if others facing the issue with 1.5.x plugin too.