Unable to access app search on remote server

I've successfully installed the app-search on Ubuntu 18.04 and tweaked the app-search.yml to include:

app_search.external_url: http://my-domain.com/search-dashboard

The page however is captured by the framework running on the front end; and not by app-search. I'm running out of ideas on how to make it work. Would really appreciate your help in fixing this issue.

Hello @The-Big-K :wave:

I don't think it works when there is a path (/search-dashboard) in the URL. Could you instead try something like https://search-dashboard.my-domain.com?

I can create that URL. But would I need any extra settings on my web-server (NGINX) or any other place on my server?

I don't know about your setup and unfortunately we don't have instructions for this. Basically you need to proxy the traffic from nginx to your App Search installation. We have some docs here but that doesn't cover nginx configuration.

We also have the App Search SaaS offering if you're interested.

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