Unable to access elasticsearch opendistro from browser

Hi Guys,

I'm trying to install opendistro elasticsearch https://opendistro.github.io/for-elasticsearch-docs/docs/install/rpm/ on a centos machine and I was able to perform that. I even removed the security plugins mentioned here: https://opendistro.github.io/for-elasticsearch-docs/docs/security-configuration/disable/
When I use: curl -k http://localhost:9200 Im able to access the api of elasticsearch
However, I'm unable to view the api output from my browser using

Has anyone seen this issue? How should I resolve this? My elasticsearch service is up and running.
But I'm unable to view things from my browser. My ports are open too for the machine.

Elasticsearch by default binds to localhost so you need to update your config to change that.

Can you see here

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