Unable to configure security in Stack 7.14.0

I have been able to get 7.14.0 installed and running in my test environment. I have ElasticSearch, Kibana and Logstash installed. If I do not make any changes to the yml files I can start and access Kibana, although I do need to stop Kibana and Logstash services and then start the ElasticSearch. All three components are running on 1 test CentOS 7 system.
I installed everything using the rpm files and now I want to create users. Following the following link
I am supposed to be able to run a elasticsearch-setup-passwords command in the Terminal window with the Interactive setting, and this will allow me to set a password for the ElasticSearch, which I then plug into the Kibana.yml file and from there create users and roles. When I navigate to the **etc/elasticsearch/**folder there is no elasticsearch-setup-password tool for me to do this.

Did I not run the install correctly? Am I in the the incorrect folder?

Thank you all for your help and support.

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