Unable to connect to ibm_mq from metricbeat

Hi All,

I am trying to connect to IBM MQ from metricbeat, in logstash, I have provided all the values required to connect to a queue manager like below

:factory: com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueConnectionFactory
  :queue_manager: QM_name
  :host_name: host ip
  :channel: channel_name
  :port: port number
  :transport_type: 1
    - jar1
    - jar2

However, when I am trying to connect IBM_MQ from metricbeat, it is only asking me to provide below values. I tried giving IP and port in hosts field, but then it is throwing error

- module: ibmmq
  metricsets: ['qmgr']
  period: 10s
  hosts: ['localhost:9157']

Error :
Error fetching data for metricset ibmmq.qmgr: unable to decode response from prometheus endpoint: error making http request: Get "http://ip:port/metrics": dial tcp ip:port: connect: connection refused

Can someone please suggest , how to connect with ibm mq

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