I cannot import Docker metrics dashboard into Kibana.
Kibana version 7.9.1
Metricbeat version 7.9.1
Whenever I run the following command from machine where Metricbeat is running, Kibana API returns 400 error:
{"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"Invalid request payload JSON format"}
My command to push the Dashboard is:
curl -k -X POST -u **:** "" -H 'kbn-xsrf: true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'$(cat /usr/share/metricbeat/kibana/7/dashboard/Metricbeat-docker-overview.json)'
JSON syntax of the file seems pretty okay to me:
Btw, I cannot import it from Kibana GUI:
Any ideas why it is not possible to push the dashoard?
Thanks in advance,