Unable to install 3rd party pluging using ES + Kibana 7.6.0


I'm stuck in the situation where I'm to run a plugin which only support ES/Kibana 7.6.0 version, so I installed and run both services and they are working as expected. Problem comes when I attempt to install the plugin using the command

/usr/share/kibana/bin/./kibana-plugin install ​file​:​///PATH_TO_FILE/sigma-ui-xxxxx.zip

and I get error as
"Kibana should not be run as root. Use --allow-root to continue."

Further I attempt to edit elasticsearch bin file and added

if ! echo $* | grep -E '(^-d |-d$| -d |--daemonize$|--daemonize )' > /dev/null; then
*-Des.insecure.allow.root=true *
*-Des.insecure.allow.root=true *
<&- &

but adding **-Des.insecure.allow.root=true **" didn't helped me as I'm still getting same errors, here are different combination I tried in order to install the plugin all returning with errors, I appreciate if someone can guide me overcome this issue. Thank you.

asad@elk:~$ /usr/share/kibana/bin/./kibana-plugin install file:///home/asad/sigma_ui_1.2.5.zip
Found previous install attempt. Deleting...
Babel could not write cache to file: /usr/share/kibana/optimize/.babel_register_cache.json 
due to a permission issue. Cache is disabled.
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Cannot delete files/directories outside the current working directory. Can be overridden with the `force` option."

Hi @asad_ali,

Is this your own custom plugin, or one from a member of the community.

Have you tried using the force option for the latest error as directed above?

You are running the command as non-kibana user, you should use or impersonate as kibana user. Try something like this:
su -m kibana -c "/usr/share/kibana/bin/kibana"

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