Unable to install Elasticsearch

After trying to execute Elasticsearch on Windows 10, I get the following error:
\Java\jre1.8.0_171\bin\java.exe" - cp "!ES_CLASSPATH!" "org.elasticsearch.tools.launchers.JvmOptionsParser" "!ES_JVM_OPTIONS!" || echo jvm_options_parser_failed"') was unexpected at this time.

echo %ES_PATH_CONF% gets C:\Users\mmcgown\Downloads\elasticsearch-6.3.0\elasticsearch-6.3.0\config

echo %ES_JVM_OPTIONS% gets ..\config\jvm.options

echo %ES_CLASSPATH% gets C:\Users\mmcgown\Downloads\elasticsearch-6.3.0\elasticsearch-6.3.0\lib*

More so, I saw someone online edited elasticsearch.bat from set "ES_JVM_OPTIONS=%ES_PATH_CONF%\jvm.options" to set "ES_JVM_OPTIONS=..config\jvm.options" to bypass some things and that also didn't work for me.

Please help me get this install going. Using the MDI also didn't work but I have less insight to why since it just says running from services and then stops -likely related to the zip method errors I saw above.

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