Unable to Load Kibana objects (Failed to parse)

Hello, I'm trying to setup APN from Kibana. I have the APN server communicating with Elastic and My app sending metrics. In the last step "Load Kibana Objects" I get the following error:

Unable to add 1 of 16 kibana objects, Error: failed to parse

If I go into the APM server and run apm-server setup, I get:

Loaded index template
Loading dashboards (Kibana must be running and reachable)
Exiting: Failed to import index-pattern: Failed to load directory /usr/share/apm-server/kibana/6/index-pattern:
  error loading /usr/share/apm-server/kibana/6/index-pattern/apmserver.json: failed to parse. Response: {"objects":[{"id":"apm-*","type":"index-pattern","error":{"message":"failed to parse"}}]}

I also noticed this happens when running apm-server setup --dashboard but not with apm-server setup --template

 apm-server setup --template
Loaded index template

 apm-server setup --dashboards
Loading dashboards (Kibana must be running and reachable)
Exiting: Failed to import index-pattern: Failed to load directory /usr/share/apm-server/kibana/6/index-pattern:
  error loading /usr/share/apm-server/kibana/6/index-pattern/apmserver.json: failed to parse. Response: {"objects":[{"id":"apm-*","type":"index-pattern","error":{"message":"failed to parse"}}]}

Why its loading the index-pattern when I specify the dashboard?


I'm using Elastic stack 6.5.3

Hi Juan,

have you updated from a previous version or did you do a fresh install for 6.5.3 and how did you install it?

Have you changed anything related to the dashboards or the Kibana index pattern, or are you using default values? I cannot reproduce the issue with default settings.

The dashboards depend on the kibana index pattern, that is why it is imported when you run apm-server setup --dashboards.

Hi Silvia,
Yeah I been upgrading ES and Kibana since version 6.0 (via ppa). Apm was a new install a few hours ago.

Happy to help debugging it.


This issue was unrelated to APN Server, my ES instance was having issues.

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