Unable to reset default password

Hello ES Team,

I am unable to reset my Elasticsearch password. Please find the screenshot below.

Please help me out with this.

Hi @yuvrajbset Please do not post screenshot of text.. it is hard to read and debug.

There error certificate subject name mismatch you need to use the --url parameter with https and one of the names specified in the DNS like your laptop name.

Specifies the base URL (hostname and port of the local node) that the tool uses to submit API requests to Elasticsearch. The default value is determined from the settings in your elasticsearch.yml file. If xpack.security.http.ssl.enabled is set to true, you must specify an HTTPS URL.

So perhaps

bin/elasticsearch-reset-password -u elastic --url "https://THELAPTOP_NAME:9200"


I could not cut and paste the laptop name because of the screenshot:)

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