
I have a problem since 2 days on my production inde4x on Elasticsearch.
Every night I re-create the index by deleteing it and re-creating with a reindex command from a source index.

Now it is happening this error and the index is not available, it is down on the server
[consulting-prod][0] primary shard is not active Timeout: [1m], request: [BulkShardRequest [[consulting-prod][0]] containing [1000] requests]

I am not able to understand.
I run the batch at 3 am and it fails

I run the same batch at 8 am manually and it is ok, the task scheduled does not give me error in the log but it fails in the index

Release on Elastic: 8.6.1
Kibana: 8.6.1

How can I solve the problem for the scheduled task?

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