Undefined join field in Region Maps

Hello amazing Kibana team,

I really like the custom region maps feature of Kibana and I am a daily user of it. I cannot wait for the upcoming enhanced GIS capabilities of Kibana, I think it is a missing part of the platform now.

I started this topic since I could not find anything online related to my issue. I have several custom region maps hosted on an external server as geojson files (:frowning: please allow us to host them on ELK to begin with).
My issue is that after I define the join key under Data -> Buckets as well as the Vector map under Options, I do not see any metrics on the map unless I select "undefined" as the join field as shown below.

In this case I have a dataset with NAME as the county name present in each record of my index and I only see my metrics/heat map if I select "undefined" as the join key and not the expected "County Name". Am I missing something very simple here or something else might be going on?

Thank you for your time,
George Zoto


Custom Region Maps


 - name: "USA Montana County"
   url: "http://my_server_url:8000/montana_county.geojson"
   attribution: "https://mslservices.mt.gov/Geographic_Information/Data/DataList/datalist_Details.aspx?did={7C0F0BF8-550B-406D-BD6C-7DA4E2FADD5C}"
      - name: "NAME"
      - description: "County Name"


hi @georgezoto,

I think the issue is the second - in the .yml preceding description. The field-object is an object with two properties, name and description, and in yml you start it with a single dash. so try:


 - name: "USA Montana County"
   url: "http://my_server_url:8000/montana_county.geojson"
   attribution: "https://mslservices.mt.gov/Geographic_Information/Data/DataList/datalist_Details.aspx?did={7C0F0BF8-550B-406D-BD6C-7DA4E2FADD5C}"
      - name: "NAME"
        description: "County Name"

As for your other suggestions, yes, we're working on a more integrated solution to create maps with our stack, please stay tuned :slight_smile:


Worked like a charm, thank you @thomasneirynck for your insight!
Hanging on the edge of a cliff :hushed: for a more comprehensive GIS support from Kibana :earth_americas:, especially with region maps support for the cloud :cloud:. Its one of the features that sets Kibana apart from competitive solutions!

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