Unique count on a term more than documents? Is that possible?

How is the following possible when searching in an index pattern?
How can the unique appearances of a keyword term be more than the documents themselves?


"Unique count" in kibana uses the cardinality aggregation --> see here

If you read the cardinality aggregation page you will see its an approximate unique count. So short answer is due to the distributed nature of elasticsearch - unique counts can only be approximates (unless your index only has a single shard).

Thx for this clarification;
so is there a way (or what is the recommended way) to make this comparison:

exact number of unique entries (based on some field)


exact number of all documents


Document count is not approximated, so will be accurate. The cardinality aggregation can be exact as long as you have all your data in a single shard. For a discussion on why this is not possible in Elasticsearch as you scale out, have a look at this thread.

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