Hello, y try to upgrade kibana in dev environment and i install 6.5.3 of kibana, logstash and elasticsearch. I export al de saved object and i import in the new envirnment. how can i export/import the indexes and the indexes data?
Why not just keeping the existing elasticsearch data dir within your new version of elasticsearch?
That's how I'm upgrading everytime without the need of doing anything else than installing the binaries. (I'm actually configuring path.data
to be a fixed dir outside the installation dir).
Thank you! can you say me where is the directory of the elasticsearch data? in kibana i hava a data folder but in elasticsearch i don't show this directory.
It depends on how you installed it. If you downloaded for example the zip
or tar.gz
packages, it's documented here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/zip-targz.html#zip-targz-layout
Look at the other pages if you installed it in a different way. In which case I believe you just need to upgrade the version without thinking of it.
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