Upgrading elk stack without stopping services using docker

I have elk stack running on docker now the question is i want to upgrade to 7.8 version.Is there any way to upgrade the images of elk stack without stopping container ?

You should be able to replace each container with the updated one, on a rolling basis. What version are you upgrading from?

I am currently using 7.5 version of elk stack

Then yes, you can replace the containers one by one.

I don't know how to do it i have only docker-compose file and i am thinking i just download the latest image of elasticsearch,logstash and kibana and modify the docker-compose file but this is not a good idea

I've posted my docker-compose file

You should be ok to just update 7.5.0 to whatever you want.

Make sure you take a backup though, you cannot downgrade.

Hey @warkolm this method is not so much effective . if i run elk service without using docker i can easily update the elk service by using yum update elasticsearch logstash kibana

This is docker, so it's a totally different approach. Why is that not effective?

docker pull elasticsearch
Using default tag: latest
Error response from daemon: manifest for elasticsearch:latest not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

This command should download the latest image but it doesn't

When i run this
docker pull docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.8.0
then it pull latest image

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7.8.1 is the latest version.

We intentionally don't provide the latest tag so that it forces users to pull the version they want. Otherwise someone may end up with a cluster with different versions.

Thank you @warkolm

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