Uploding a csv file from kibana with updating mapping

I'm trying to upload my csv file to elasticsearch via Kibana machine learning tool,
I succeeded the add but i want to redefine my mapping, so juste before creating the index, i update my mapping to this :

  "Annee": {
    "type": "float"
  "Comp": {
    "type": "nested", 
    "include_in_parent": true, 
    "properties": {
            "skill":    { "type": "text"  }
  "Etudes": {
    "type": "keyword"
  "Experience": {
    "type": "nested", 
    "include_in_parent": true, 
    "properties": {
            "exp":    { "type": "text"  },
  "Formation": {
    "type": "nested", 
    "include_in_parent": true, 
    "properties": {
            "form":    { "type": "text"  }
  "ID_CV": {
    "type": "keyword"
  "Langues": {
    "type": "nested", 
    "include_in_parent": true, 
    "properties": {
            "coef":    { "type": "float"},
  "Title": {
    "type": "text"
  "cv_content": {
    "type": "text"

I'm putting here a line of my CSV file :

|[{  airbus group pmo / conduite du changement  },{04/ 2014},{09/ 2014}, { albatec consultant en strategie  },{09/ 2013},{03/ 2014}, { village center assistant direction  },{04/ 2013},{08/ 2013}]|[{  master 2, management de projet et innovation (eum clermont-ferrand) management de projet & planification,  strategie et innovation (methode agile : scrum), management de la connaissance, analyse financiere &  management daffaire,  conduite du changement.  licence 3,  ingenierie du management (iup clermont-ferrand) management & economie & marketing, controle de gestion & comptabilite, droit du travail, ressource humaine & management humain,  bts comptabilite & gestion comptabilite & controle de gestion analyse financiere & analyse des couts fiscalite prevision & budgetisation},{master 2,  eum clermont-ferrand (reseau iae) annee 2014}]|[{85, anglais}, {60, espagnol}]|0|bac + 5|0|             Fonction Trigramme ou nom - Annees dexperience  |Consultant Devoteam|[{ Outils Bureautiques },{ Messagerie Outlook Adm },{ Pack office  },{ Systeme Microsoft  },{ Apple  },{ Androide },{ SharePoint Adm },{ MySQL },{ MS Access },{ MS Project  Outils Decisionnels },{ Bizagi  },{ Resalys },{ Ciell },{ Cegid   ,   Gestion de projet },{ Planification },{ Budgetisation et analyse financiere },{ Coordination de projet },{ Gestion des crise },{ Chef de projet },{ Communication  },{ Recherche de linformation},{ Capitalisation de la connaissance },{Management dequipe }]|

The Error i got is :

Some documents could not be imported

200 out of 200 documents could not be imported. This could be due to lines not matching the Grok pattern.

Failed documents

0: object mapping for [Experience] tried to parse field [Experience] as object, but found a concrete value
200: object mapping for [Experience] tried to parse field [Experience] as object, but found a concrete value

i doesnt import any document !
Can you help me please.

Hello, the CSV uploader expects simple, flat CSV files with single-value fields - not nested objects

Instead, use Logstash or an ingest node to get your data into Elasticsearch.

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