Uptime Availability Solution

Heartbeat and Uptime are great tools to probe ICMP, TCP Ports and Webpages. However going further I'd like to know if exist or there plans to provide Reports and Visualizations/Dashboards. Such as:

  • System and Services history be exportable ( ie: pdf, office files ), so we can save a Status to provide reports internally to customer. For example, suppose we have an Agreement with a customer to keep 95% of availability for specific Service, so it will be required provide some Monthly Reports to check availability and possible outages.

  • Ability to create dynamic visualizations ( or maybe a canvas ) to show up a current status for specific Service or System. Or maybe some templates to easy integrate with Uptime.

  • Easy way to create an Watch Alert on UpTime page. IE: If Service or System fail for X times send Alert to ....

Thanks, Mauricio

Hello Mauricio,

We are glad that you find heartbeat and uptime a useful tool.

  • Implementing alerting in uptime is our top priority at the moment. So yes finger crossed for this :slight_smile:

  • We don't have reporting on our roadmap for uptime at the moment, but it's an interesting use case. We might be able to leverage kibana reporting if we decide to do that.

  • We are continuing to add visualization into the uptime app. At the moment Canvas and kibana can be used to visualize hearbeat data directly, and while some advanced visualizations aren't available in these tools, we plan to make that data available perhaps via REST API calls at some point in the future


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