Uptime : Server marked Down

Hi everyone,
Is anyone have an idea about why in my uptime dashboard, 2 datacenters are marked down while they are Up and code status is 200.
The related error is :

validate:only positive pattern mismatch

Thank you for your help

No one to help ?

Hello Khaled,

Can you please share your redacted heartbeat config for those monitors?

Hi @Khaled_Saidi,

As @shahzad31 commented, please share the redacted monitor configuration with us so that we can validate.

Going from the error alone, I'm guessing there's some response check that is failing. Please review, if there're any, that the checked condition is matched.

Hi guys,

I'm still waiting for the healthcheck conf...
i think you are right. I thought that the healthcheck only check the response status (200).
But it seems to also check the response content... I'm pretty sure the pb is there.
Thx for your help.
