I am trying to understand how exactly the dropdown filter in Kibana works. Since I am able to separately specify columns for valueColumn and filterColumn, I assumed that it would be possible to use one column to display values in the dropdown and another column for the actual filter. But I cannot get this to work, so I was hoping you could clear things up for me.
This is what I am trying to accomplish:
- There are two indices
- One index maps a display name to a UUID (and very possibly stores additional information)
- Another index stores some data, where each entry can be mapped to one of the UUIDs
- On the canvas are
- a dropdown filter
- For the sake of clarity the dropdown menu should not display the UUIDs themselves, but their mapped display names
- a metric element
- depending on the selection the rows should be filtered based on the UUID
- both elements are in the same filter group
- and for testing purposes also two table elements, displaying the currently filtered rows of both indices
- a dropdown filter
Expression for the dropdown filter:
essql query="
FROM \"dropdown-example*\"
| dropdownControl valueColumn="uuid" filterColumn="uuid.keyword" filterGroup="myfiltergroup"
| render
Expression for the metric element:
filters group="myfiltergroup" ungrouped=true
| essql query="
SELECT some_value, id
FROM \"my-metrics*\"
| math "sum(some_value)"
| metric "Units"
metricFont={font size=48 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color="#000000" align="center" lHeight=48}
labelFont={font size=14 family="'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" color="#000000" align="center"} metricFormat="0,0.[000]"
| render
And for completeness the expressions for the tables:
filters group="myfiltergroup" ungrouped=true
| essql query="SELECT * FROM \"dropdown-example*\""
| table
| render containerStyle={containerStyle border="1px solid "}
filters group="myfiltergroup" ungrouped=true
| essql query="SELECT * FROM \"my-metrics*\""
| table perPage=50
| render containerStyle={containerStyle border="1px solid "}
I populated the first index with two entries and the second with 15 (please see below for a quick python script).
I set the valueColumn to 'display_name' and the filterColumn to 'uuid.keyword'.
Any selection other then '-- ANY --' now returns zero filtered entries for both indices.
I change the valueColumn from 'display_name' to 'uuid'.
Entries for both indices are now getting properly filtered, but the dropdown values are no longer 'intuitive'.
I also tried this without success with other column types (e.g. the number column 'id').
Quick python script to quickly populate the sample data:
#!/usr/bin/env python
Generate some test data in elastic search, to test in kibana.
import random
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
uuids= [
def gen_dropdown_data(es_index_name, es_obj):
for idx in range(len(uuids)):
doc = {
'id': idx,
'uuid': uuids[idx],
'display_name': f'Display name {idx}'
res = es_obj.index(index=es_index_name, doc_type='_doc', id=uuids[idx],
def gen_metrics_data(es_index_name, es_obj):
for idx in range(15):
cur_choice = random.randint(0, len(uuids) - 1)
doc = {
'id': cur_choice,
'uuid': uuids[cur_choice],
'some_value': 1
res = es_obj.index(index=es_index_name, doc_type='_doc',
id=idx, body=doc)
def main():
es = Elasticsearch()
es_dropdown_index = 'dropdown-example-27x3kf5g'
es_metrics_index = 'my-metrics-27x3kf5g'
gen_dropdown_data(es_index_name=es_dropdown_index, es_obj=es)
gen_metrics_data(es_index_name=es_metrics_index, es_obj=es)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Thanks in advance