Use Visualization with nested objects

I have an index which is comprised of entries like the following.
Is it possible to create Visualization that respects the nested nature of it?
When I tried, with the X-Axis being SiteId and a split on Count and DistinctCountthis data, the result would be

Site1 => Count: 1 / Distinct: 2
Site2 => Count: 2 / Distinct: 3
Site3 => Count: 2 / Distinct: 1

What I would expect is
Site1 => Count: 1 / Distinct: 1
Site2 => Count 2 / Distinct: 2
Site3 => Count: 2 / Distinct: 1

I understand this is because Elastic flattens the object.
I found an article that says we can query nested objects with a specific syntax (that I didn't get to work yet in Discover) but I can't find anything about visualization.

{ "_source": {
  "UserIds": [
    { "SiteId": 1, "UserId": "abcd" },
    { "SiteId": 2, "UserId": "efgh" }
{ "_source": {
  "UserIds": [
    { "SiteId": 2, "UserId": "ijkl" },
    { "SiteId": 3, "UserId": "abcd" }
{ "_source": {
  "UserIds": [
    { "SiteId": 3, "UserId": "abcd" }

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