User to access Infrastructure and uptime dashboard


I am using Elastic Stack 7.1. I have enabled security in Elastic search. I am trying to create a user who can only have view access to the dashboard.

I tried to use the kibana_dashboard_user_only, but it only gives access to dashboard. But I would also like to give access to uptime and Infrastructure tab.

When I add all these roles to the user, It is giving full access to the dashboard.

apm_user, beat_reader, kibana_user, monitoring_user, machine_learning_user, reporting_user, watcher_user

Please guide.

I moved this to the Kibana forum.

@TimV Can you please loop some one who can help me with this please.

Thank you.

Hi @syedsfayaz,

To clarify, are you looking to grant access only to the Dashboard, Infrastructure, and Uptime applications within Kibana, while restricting access to all others?

If so, what you're looking for is Feature Controls, which isn't available yet, but is currently scheduled for release in version 7.2.0

Hi @Larry_Gregory

Yes, you are correct. I also don't have a problem exposing all the tabs but just don't want to give edit access to the dashboards or any other tab. Can it be achieved in the current version?

I see 7.2 version is available for download. But just wanted to know any idea when it will be release certified.


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