Using ILM: error's on more then one write index

For future note when searched, this is now answered in the blog Troubleshooting ILM blog & direct summarized discussed error resolutions are:

alias [x] has more than one write index [y,z]

When you run Get Aliases, you’ll notice that two indices are marked as is_write_index:true when only one should be per alias. You’ll want to toggle is_write_index:false on one of the indices via the Aliases API.

index name [x] does not match pattern *^.*-\d+

The index name’s regex pattern matching is a prerequisite for rollover to work. The most common implication users miss is not realizing the index name needs to end with trailing digits, e.g. my-index-000001 and instead only use my-index which does match the pattern requirement. Here’s an example Elastic Discuss issue. You may consider Data Streams which handle this for you.