Hi @walk Welcome to the community!
Hmmm I put an alert like this together with and A and B equation.
And I could not get the Separate Aggregation either, there is a lot of information including what A and B are, but the values are not there. I think you will need to open a feature request for that.
BTW Pro Tip if you every want to see everything available in an action, put this is the action and force and alert
Full Context
I notice this in that payload.. but the only value is the full computed value...
"rule": {
"params": {
"criteria": [
"comparator": ">",
"metrics": [
"name": "A",
"field": "system.load.1",
"aggType": "avg"
"name": "B",
"field": "system.load.15",
"aggType": "avg"
"threshold": [
"timeSize": 1,
"timeUnit": "m",
"equation": "A / B",
"label": "Ratio of Load 1m and 15m"
"alertOnNoData": false,
"alertOnGroupDisappear": true,
"searchConfiguration": {
"query": {
"query": "data_stream.dataset : \"system.load\" ",
"language": "kuery"
"index": "metrics-*"
"groupBy": [
You could very easily link the alert to a visualization or ESQL Query that would show all three A , B, A/B... but I get the idea of seeing the values but I do not see them.
I will poke around a bit more and see if I can find something else.