/var/log/logstash-plain.log is filling the disk space

Hello all,

I am using logstash for netflow collection and iam running logstash 6.2.During the process of collection the /var/log/logstash-plain.log is filling my disk space.Once the disk space is full the netflow collection stops.I have to clean my disk space and stop/start logstash to start collecting the data

I tried to change the path.logs to another directory where i have space but it is not logging.I did give the full permissions to directory thought it could be permissions related but no luck

Can someone help me

how to make logstash log to another drive where i have disk space
how to do a logrotation for logstash

any help is much appreciated

how to make logstash log to another drive where i have disk space

You're on the right track with path.logs. Exactly how did you change that setting? What are the permissions of that directory?

how to do a logrotation for logstash

If you install Logstash via the RPM or Debian package this'll get set up for you.

The setting was changed in the logstash.yml

Path.logs: /data/LS-Logs

Permissions for the /data/LS-Logs is changed via chmod 777 /data/LS-Logs

path.logs or Path.logs? How do you know your logstash.yml file is being read at all?

it is path.logs

How to check if my yaml file is read or not..I observed one thing is the logging stopped once I removed /var/log/logstash..I believe yaml is read...let me know if my understanding is wrong

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