I have an index in which each document has ‘X Location’ field, ‘Y Location’ field and ‘rgb’ field.
The ‘rgb’ field contains rgb values of string format rgb(x,y,z).
I would like to visualize the data, and I tried to make a scatter plot of ‘Y Location’ vs. ‘X Location’, and then color each value by its corresponding color from 'rgb' field. however it is not working.
I used the code below.
any ideas?
$schema: https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v2.json
mark: {type: "square", filled: true, size: 400}
data: {
data: "table"
url: {
%context%: true
index: my*
body: {
size: 10000
_source: ["X Location", "Y Location", "rgb"]
format: {property: "hits.hits"}
encoding: {
x: {
field: _source.X Location
type: quantitative
axis: {title: "X Location"}
y: {
field: _source.Y Location
type: quantitative
axis: {title: "Y Location"}
color: {
field: _source.rgb
type: nominal
legend: {title: "rgb"}
scale: {
domain: [data: "table", field: "rgb"]
range: [data: "table", field: "rgb"]
I based it on the following code:
field: _source.ME
tipe: nominal
legend: {title: "ME"}
scale: {
domain: ["ME1", "ME2", "ME3", "ME4"]
range: ["rgb(0,0,255)", "rgb(0,255,0)", "rgb(255,0,0)", "rgb(0,0,0)"]