Viewing EPS graph in Kibana

I want to display a graph of the EPS in kibana.
But, it displays a graph every 30 seconds over 1 hour that I defined.
While I have set by second.
Is there a possibility for it to display per second?
Thanks for your help

Below the capture

Kibana tries to prevent you from making extremely slow queries, so the main way to get a smaller time range is to zoom into a smaller time window.

It is possible to increase the histogram:maxBars advanced Kibana setting to change the behavior here. This affects all date histograms in Kibana.

If you want to build a custom query that uses an exact interval, you will have to use Vega.

If the exact number per second interval is not important and you just want to scale the y axis accordingly, another option to what Wylie wrote is to use TSVB and a "math" aggregation, dividing by params._interval which is the "width" of each bar in milliseconds:

This will give you the average count per second for each 30 second block.

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We cannot set to display EPS.
If it is possible, can you show me?

We've suggested 3 workarounds to your issue, have you tried these?

I increased the histogram: maxBars. But, I would like to have only one EPS over a period of time. Which is not the case.

I can't see anything in my graph.

What do you mean by "only one EPS over a period of time". Can you explain:

  1. What is your goal, as specifically as possible?
  2. What have you tried so far?
  3. What does your data look like in Elasticsearch?
  1. The goal for me is to filter for example on an interval of 24 hours. And then display for example that the EPS is equal to 300 in a table for example or on a graph.
  2. I tried to display on a graph and in a table. But, it displays details that vary every second of the 24 hour interval.

Like this:

3. My data looks like this:

<189>timestamp=1611418837 devname="DCL0001FW" devid="FG100FTK20004077" vd="VPN-PARTNER" date=2021-01-23 time=17:20:37 logid="0000000013" type="traffic" subtype="forward" level="notice" eventtime=1611418837682800503 tz="+0100" srcip= srcport=60166 srcintf="To-GCP" srcintfrole="undefined" dstip= dstport=80 dstintf="To-KLGRP_PRD" dstintfrole="undefined" srccountry="Reserved" dstcountry="Reserved" sessionid=2602487300 proto=6 action="close" policyid=246 policytype="policy" poluuid="76391d82-299a-51eb-1a72-b3bda661976d" policyname="KLEEGROUP_PRD-5" service="HTTP" trandisp="snat" transip= transport=60166 duration=2 sentbyte=633 rcvdbyte=487 sentpkt=6 rcvdpkt=6 vpn="To-KLGRP_PRD" vpntype="ipsec-static" appcat="unscanned"

Okay, I understand that you want to calculate "Events per second" across a time range of 24 hours. I think your best bet is to use TSVB, like Joe previous suggested. Open TSVB, then:

  1. Go to Panel Options > Index pattern and choose the right index pattern
  2. Go back to Data and configure Count, then Math, then type params.count / params._interval * 1000
  3. You'll start seeing average values per second
  4. Switch to Metric to reduce this to a single number
  5. Important: Go back to Panel Options > Data timerange mode > Entire time range

Thank you so much. That's what I wanted.

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