Viewing EPS graph in Kibana

  1. The goal for me is to filter for example on an interval of 24 hours. And then display for example that the EPS is equal to 300 in a table for example or on a graph.
  2. I tried to display on a graph and in a table. But, it displays details that vary every second of the 24 hour interval.

Like this:

3. My data looks like this:

<189>timestamp=1611418837 devname="DCL0001FW" devid="FG100FTK20004077" vd="VPN-PARTNER" date=2021-01-23 time=17:20:37 logid="0000000013" type="traffic" subtype="forward" level="notice" eventtime=1611418837682800503 tz="+0100" srcip= srcport=60166 srcintf="To-GCP" srcintfrole="undefined" dstip= dstport=80 dstintf="To-KLGRP_PRD" dstintfrole="undefined" srccountry="Reserved" dstcountry="Reserved" sessionid=2602487300 proto=6 action="close" policyid=246 policytype="policy" poluuid="76391d82-299a-51eb-1a72-b3bda661976d" policyname="KLEEGROUP_PRD-5" service="HTTP" trandisp="snat" transip= transport=60166 duration=2 sentbyte=633 rcvdbyte=487 sentpkt=6 rcvdpkt=6 vpn="To-KLGRP_PRD" vpntype="ipsec-static" appcat="unscanned"