Visualisation Error after upgrade

Hi All
I've updated Elasticsearch and Kibana from 7.12 to 8.14 and seemed OK with no errors during the upgrade.
After the upgrade I view a index \ index pattern I can view the data but the Visualisation showing the date the data imported has a purple line without showing any Visualisations \ bar chart:

Below are the elk and kibana yml files.

No Visualisation works, data table works OK

Hi @Scott_Barker

if you click on the top right icon Edit visualization do you have the same issue within the Lens editor too?

Yes I do. If I select 'count overall' that shows text data OK.

Can you share the Lens configuration when in the editor?
Is it just a Count of Records over time?

Reducing the time window (via the time picker) makes it work or even for 15m it's still a forever loading?

Added lens

Correct just a Count of Records over time. If I select last 15 mins or even last 1 min its still forever loading.

Do you have any error in the browser console?

If you send the same query over to ES via the Kibana Dev Tools do you get a response?

Running the query via Dev Tools works using this query, I get 71 results,

I get the following errors in dev tools of chrome (not sure if any of these are normal).

What browser are you using (name, version)? Can you try to upgrade it?