Visualization legend does not appear in dashboard in 5.6.2

So I have these dashboards, for which after upgrading kibana 5.6.2, I tried to show the legends on some of the visualizations included in these dashboards and it does not work. What I try is the following:

  • Edit dashboard
  • Edit visualization
  • Show the legend
  • Press run
  • Save the visualization
  • Reload the dashboard

At that point in the previous versions of kibana I would get the legend in the visualization visible in the dashboard. Not in this one - did something change?


Can you check that after saving the visualization this is displayed in the Object details for the visualization?

  "vis": {
    "legendOpen": false

To open the object details, go to Management -> Saved Objects -> Visualizations tab, and find the one that you saved and click on edit. The json above should be in the uistateJSON field.

Hi Marius,
I have many times this key-value combination in the JSON for my dashboard - what does that mean? Do I have one per visualization included in the dashboard? Here is my JSON:

  "P-2": {
    "vis": {
      "params": {
        "sort": {
          "columnIndex": null,
          "direction": null
  "P-9": {
    "vis": {
      "legendOpen": false
  "P-5": {
    "vis": {
      "legendOpen": false
  "P-10": {
    "vis": {
      "legendOpen": false
  "P-8": {
    "vis": {
      "legendOpen": false
  "P-11": {
    "vis": {
      "legendOpen": false
  "P-7": {
    "vis": {
      "legendOpen": false

Yes, that means that the legend is closed for all those visualizations. You can change that false to true and you'll have them show then. This is saved with the dashboard and not with the vis so the dashboard one was overwriting your vis setting.

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