Visualize 2 lines - 2 nodes with 1 parameter per time

Good morning!

After intensive search It seems to me that it is impossible. Anyway, maybe someone have an idea to implement it(with Kibana, or, maybe Zabbix + prometheus)...

The case is I have a system consists of many nodes. And have an utility that saves state of a system every 5 minutes in txt:

So I can see for every node some diagnostic parameters for every timestamp:
-quantity of errors
-quantity of input messages
-quantity of output messages

The goal is to make a graph with some of the nodes visualising one of the parameter, for example
-quantity of input messages per 5 minutes

I did it with Excel well:

  1. Parsed this source file into csv
  2. Opened with Excel
  3. Made graph

How do it with Kibana?

For 1 node it worked perfect:

  1. I parsed this source file into json:
  2. Downloaded with filebeat
  3. Opened "Visualise" in Kibana
  4. Choose this "data.json file & Node = node1"
  5. Choose "quantity of input messages"
  6. Choose strange "Max"(for example)
  7. Got great graph

But if I going to add second Node = node2 I have a trouble.
I think I have tried all of the variants with interface but the desired result was not achieved...

Is it really possible to do it?
Or I should parse source data file(with all the nodes and its data) into separate nodes files(so 1 file has data of only 1 node)? And play with Visualise interface?

The goal is to have a simple graph with lines(one parameter depending of time) of few nodes.

Could you help me, please?


What you're attempting to do is completely reasonable and I suspect you're very close to making it happen. Can you share the query you're attempting that is resulting in disappointment?

As best I understand, all you need to do is take your existing successful query and have it select an additional node value. Do you know what field type 'Node' is?


Node is text.
Some details about format:

{"Node": "feed_asts_ccy_securities", "Status": "online", "MsgIn": "0", "VER": "39e1e", "Timestamp": "2020-11-24T09:02:01.458902Z", "Warns": "0", "Pid": "17852", "System": "MC_IFT_SBRF", "Errs": "0", "MsgOut": "223144"}
{"Node": "feed_forts_instruments", "Status": "offline", "MsgIn": "0", "VER": "39e1e", "Timestamp": "2020-11-24T09:02:01.458902Z", "Warns": "0", "Pid": "17848", "System": "MC_IFT_SBRF", "Errs": "0", "MsgOut": "0"}
{"Node": "feed_micex_eqt_clr", "Status": "offline", "MsgIn": "0", "VER": "39e1e", "Timestamp": "2020-11-24T09:02:01.458902Z", "Warns": "0", "Pid": "21808", "System": "MC_IFT_SBRF", "Errs": "0", "MsgOut": "0"}
{"Node": "supervisor", "Status": "online", "MsgIn": "0", "VER": "39e1e", "Timestamp": "2020-11-24T09:02:01.458902Z", "Warns": "0", "Pid": "10613", "System": "MC_IFT_SBRF", "Errs": "0", "MsgOut": "0"}
{"Node": "transformer_asts_ccy", "Status": "online", "MsgIn": "1854", "VER": "39e1e", "Timestamp": "2020-11-24T09:02:01.458902Z", "Warns": "0", "Pid": "6705", "System": "MC_IFT_SBRF", "Errs": "0", "MsgOut": "1723"}
{"Node": "transformer_forts", "Status": "online", "MsgIn": "0", "VER": "39e1e", "Timestamp": "2020-11-24T09:02:01.458902Z", "Warns": "0", "Pid": "6698", "System": "MC_IFT_SBRF", "Errs": "0", "MsgOut": "0"}
{"Node": "transformer_micex", "Status": "online", "MsgIn": "0", "VER": "39e1e", "Timestamp": "2020-11-24T09:02:01.458902Z", "Warns": "0", "Pid": "6702", "System": "MC_IFT_SBRF", "Errs": "0", "MsgOut": "0"}
{"Node": "transport_asts_ccy", "Status": "online", "MsgIn": "1723", "VER": "39e1e", "Timestamp": "2020-11-24T09:02:01.458902Z", "Warns": "0", "Pid": "10656", "System": "MC_IFT_SBRF", "Errs": "0", "MsgOut": "1723"}
{"Node": "transport_asts_xml2", "Status": "online", "MsgIn": "109718", "VER": "39e1e", "Timestamp": "2020-11-24T09:02:01.458902Z", "Warns": "0", "Pid": "10657", "System": "MC_IFT_SBRF", "Errs": "0", "MsgOut": "10718"}
{"Node": "transport_forts", "Status": "online", "MsgIn": "0", "VER": "39e1e", "Timestamp": "2020-11-24T09:02:01.458902Z", "Warns": "0", "Pid": "10654", "System": "MC_IFT_SBRF", "Errs": "0", "MsgOut": "0"}
{"Node": "transport_micex", "Status": "online", "MsgIn": "0", "VER": "39e1e", "Timestamp": "2020-11-24T09:02:01.458902Z", "Warns": "0", "Pid": "10655", "System": "MC_IFT_SBRF", "Errs": "0", "MsgOut": "0"}
{"Node": "transport_micex_eqt", "Status": "online", "MsgIn": "0", "VER": "39e1e", "Timestamp": "2020-11-24T09:02:01.458902Z", "Warns": "0", "Pid": "10658", "System": "MC_IFT_SBRF", "Errs": "0", "MsgOut": "0"}

The desired result for 1 node:

But what should I do next to have new line of the another Node here?

You need to aggregate on Node. If you load the ecommerce sample data you'll see a couple examples in the related dashboard.

Matthew, thank you for a respond!

Unfortunately I didn't succeed...
Kibana interface doesn't give me such opportunity in the "Aggregation" field.

I deleted and Node : "feed_forts_instruments in a "Filters" field to have access to all of the Nodes in this log file.
But even in this case "Node" is absent in the "Aggregation":

So I downloaded sample data with a clue

To get this sample data, visit your Kibana homepage and click on “Load a data set and a Kibana dashboard.” There, you will see the sample data provided for eCommerce orders and web logs.

Now I see that "Split Series" will lead me to success.
In the sample data series splitted by text field "category"(with strange ".keyword" suffix):

In my case "Node" has "text" format also(now I see why did you ask me to specify the format).
But I can not choose it:

The terms aggregation works best with a keyword field type -

Note this text in the linked document - In order to use it with text you will need to enable fielddata.

Thank you, Matthew!
I see that I have 3 options:

  1. Set fielddata=true on [your_field_name] in order to load fielddata in memory by uninverting the inverted index.

  2. You can enable fielddata on an existing text field using the PUT mapping API as follows: PUT my-index-000001/_mapping { "properties": { "my_field": { "type": "text", "fielddata": true } } }

  3. Adding "keyword" type

1.After some search I decided to change filebeat.yml and added fielddata=true to the Node field:

Reloaded filebeat.
Reloaded indices.
But don't see the result - "Node" was absent in a "Split Series".

Removed this addition.

2.After it I tried Dev Tools:
Firstly, tried to add "keyword".

Secondly, made PUT with fielddata=true.
Understood that one parameter was missed. Fixed. Got success:

Reload filebeat. Downloaded data. Again "Node" was absent:
Updated indices, check "fielddata". It appeared:
But still "Node" was absent.
Added data. Again "Node" was absent.

Thirdly, tried again with adding a "keyword":

Updated indices. Made sure that result OK:

Added data. Again "Node" was absent.

I suppouse the success is so close but can not get it...

Can you share the mapping for your index? It certainly looks to me like you did everything right, two different ways.

Thank you, Matthew!

Unfortunately, *.txt is not allowed to attache...
Can you give me your email via personal message if it possible.


Unfortunately I have not access to it...

I got a successful upload here:

A pretty complicated file. There is no "Node" mapping.

Another variant was made:
In a fields.yml added filedata:

  • name: Node
    type: text
    fielddata: true

So after reloading filebeat and elasticsearch can see new mapping in Kibana interface:

"Node": {
"type": "text",
"fields": {
"keyword": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 256

But again failure when try to select in a "Split Series":
In a meantime I can select another field with the same mapping!

Hello @avovana,

Sorry for the delay.

The mapping certainly looks correct.

Is it possible for you to supply me with a few sample rows of data in csv format so I can attempt to reproduce? Obviously strip out any sensitive info.


@mattkime, thank you for a respond!
It inspires me to go further)

feed_asts_ccy_securities, online, 0, 39e1e, 0, 17852, MC_IFT_SBRF, 0, 223144
feed_micex, online, 0, 39e1e, 0, 17855, MC_IFT_SBRF, 2, 223155


I tried one more step with a field.
Added field "Node1" with the type "keyword" in filebeat.yml
I understood that I don't need "text" type with all of this difficulties to make it aggregatable. "keyword" is aggregatable by default.

For the first reload filebeat I saw "Node1" in kibana "Index managment", but now don't:

But "Node1" is in the index pattern(and it is "Aggregatable"):

(as a Node.keyword, though)

echo '{"Node": "descript", "Node1": "feed_micex", "Status": "online", "MsgIn": "0", "VER": "39e1e", "Warns": "0", "Pid": "17854", "System": "MC_IFT_SBRF", "Errs": "0", "MsgOut": "223155"}' > bla.json

Still can not choose:

By the way I noticed strange mapping. For example, "MsgIn" is "long" in a filebeat.yml, but in the "Index managment" in the "Mapping" is "text" as you can see on the picture above.

Investigated that these 6 mapping conflicts related to all of my fields that are "long".

After so many attempts now I want to start from scratch. All that I need is:

But as I read I can not reload "Index pattern"(filebeat-* in my case) because there are many indexed docs already :frowning:

I have an idea!
Maybe make new?
So, I will need to change my filebeat name:
filebeat-new-7.8.1-2020.12.08-000118 -> "smth1".
Then modify filebeat.yml as I described above.
And learn how to make new "Index pattern" for "smth1" and fill it with mapping.

Deleted many previous indexes.

As I understood new one is created when new filebeat is started.
Because I started and kill it a lot there were many indexes.

Made filebeat as I wanted:

Started filebeat, new index was created with good mapping:

Conflicts dissapeared, types are good, Node is aggregatable:

Added to log 3 rows:

Checked, the 1, 3 are good. The 2nd row was added badly somehow:

And you can guess the result in a "Split Series"...

The same sad story...
I can not choose here the perfect suitable aggregatable "Node" :frowning:

Maybe this update will help.
Learned how to retrieve information:

1.GET filebeat-7.8.1-2020.12.09-000001/_doc/UoYdSHYBgrhx-iAPPOPp

  "_index" : "filebeat-7.8.1-2020.12.09-000001",
  "_type" : "_doc",
  "_id" : "UoYdSHYBgrhx-iAPPOPp",
  "_version" : 1,
  "_seq_no" : 2,
  "_primary_term" : 1,
  "found" : true,
  "_source" : {
    "@timestamp" : "2020-12-09T15:27:23.364Z",
    "Node" : "some_name",
    "MsgOut" : "223155",
    "Pid" : "17854",
    "Errs" : "0",
    "input" : {
      "type" : "log"
    "System" : "MC_IFT_SBRF",
    "MsgIn" : "0",
    "Warns" : "0",
    "message" : "some_name",
    "VER" : "39e1e",
    "log" : {
      "offset" : 0,
      "file" : {
        "path" : "/home/mcift_pao/test_logs/bla.json"
    "agent" : {
      "hostname" : "",
      "ephemeral_id" : "2f3c8f63-f2ba-41b6-80f0-1b15c12ab0b2",
      "id" : "4ef6de1d-c457-4179-88d0-d2a25770e29c",
      "name" : "",
      "type" : "filebeat",
      "version" : "7.8.1"
    "ecs" : {
      "version" : "1.5.0"
    "Status" : "online",
    "host" : {
      "os" : {
        "codename" : "Maipo",
        "platform" : "rhel",
        "version" : "7.8 (Maipo)",
        "family" : "redhat",
        "name" : "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server",
        "kernel" : "3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64"
      "id" : "0979853c5fc248359ccb2b6e9f67bd3e",
      "containerized" : false,
      "ip" : [
      "name" : "",
      "mac" : [
      "hostname" : "",
      "architecture" : "x86_64"
  1. Learned how to make put:
POST /filebeat-7.8.1-2020.12.09-000001/_doc/1
  "Node": "feed_asts_ccy_securities",
  "Status": "online",
  "MsgIn": "0",
  "VER": "39e1e",
  "Warns": "0",
  "Pid": "17852",
  "System": "MC_IFT_SBRF",
  "Errs": "0",
  "MsgOut": "223144"

So I have:
_id = QIbmR3YBgrhx-iAPQ8_t
_id = 9YYJSHYBgrhx-iAPPtt8
_id = UoYdSHYBgrhx-iAPPOPp
_id = 1

  1. Tried to understand whether "Node" is aggregatable thanks to this request:
GET filebeat-7.8.1-2020.12.09-000001/_search
  "aggs": {
    "filebeat-7.8.1-2020.12.09-000001": {
       "terms" : { "field": "Node"}


  "took" : 2,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 1,
    "successful" : 1,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : {
      "value" : 4,
      "relation" : "eq"
    "max_score" : 1.0,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "filebeat-7.8.1-2020.12.09-000001",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "QIbmR3YBgrhx-iAPQ8_t",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "@timestamp" : "2020-12-09T14:27:17.658Z",
          "log" : {
            "offset" : 0,
            "file" : {
              "path" : "/home/mcift_pao/test_logs/bla.json"
          "System" : "MC_IFT_SBRF",
          "Status" : "online",
          "MsgOut" : "223155",
          "Errs" : "0",
          "host" : {
            "ip" : [
            "mac" : [
            "name" : "",
            "hostname" : "",
            "architecture" : "x86_64",
            "os" : {
              "codename" : "Maipo",
              "platform" : "rhel",
              "version" : "7.8 (Maipo)",
              "family" : "redhat",
              "name" : "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server",
              "kernel" : "3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64"
            "id" : "0979853c5fc248359ccb2b6e9f67bd3e",
            "containerized" : false
          "message" : "feed_micex",
          "input" : {
            "type" : "log"
          "Node" : "feed_micex",
          "Pid" : "17854",
          "MsgIn" : "0",
          "Warns" : "0",
          "VER" : "39e1e",
          "ecs" : {
            "version" : "1.5.0"
          "agent" : {
            "ephemeral_id" : "2f3c8f63-f2ba-41b6-80f0-1b15c12ab0b2",
            "id" : "4ef6de1d-c457-4179-88d0-d2a25770e29c",
            "name" : "",
            "type" : "filebeat",
            "version" : "7.8.1",
            "hostname" : ""
        "_index" : "filebeat-7.8.1-2020.12.09-000001",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "9YYJSHYBgrhx-iAPPtt8",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "@timestamp" : "2020-12-09T15:05:33.055Z",
          "host" : {
            "id" : "0979853c5fc248359ccb2b6e9f67bd3e",
            "containerized" : false,
            "ip" : [
            "mac" : [
            "name" : "",
            "hostname" : "",
            "architecture" : "x86_64",
            "os" : {
              "name" : "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server",
              "kernel" : "3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64",
              "codename" : "Maipo",
              "platform" : "rhel",
              "version" : "7.8 (Maipo)",
              "family" : "redhat"
          "agent" : {
            "name" : "",
            "type" : "filebeat",
            "version" : "7.8.1",
            "hostname" : "",
            "ephemeral_id" : "2f3c8f63-f2ba-41b6-80f0-1b15c12ab0b2",
            "id" : "4ef6de1d-c457-4179-88d0-d2a25770e29c"
          "ecs" : {
            "version" : "1.5.0"
          "log" : {
            "offset" : 161,
            "file" : {
              "path" : "/home/mcift_pao/test_logs/bla.json"
          "json" : { },
          "message" : "",
          "input" : {
            "type" : "log"
        "_index" : "filebeat-7.8.1-2020.12.09-000001",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "UoYdSHYBgrhx-iAPPOPp",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "@timestamp" : "2020-12-09T15:27:23.364Z",
          "Node" : "some_name",
          "MsgOut" : "223155",
          "Pid" : "17854",
          "Errs" : "0",
          "input" : {
            "type" : "log"
          "System" : "MC_IFT_SBRF",
          "MsgIn" : "0",
          "Warns" : "0",
          "message" : "some_name",
          "VER" : "39e1e",
          "log" : {
            "offset" : 0,
            "file" : {
              "path" : "/home/mcift_pao/test_logs/bla.json"
          "agent" : {
            "hostname" : "",
            "ephemeral_id" : "2f3c8f63-f2ba-41b6-80f0-1b15c12ab0b2",
            "id" : "4ef6de1d-c457-4179-88d0-d2a25770e29c",
            "name" : "",
            "type" : "filebeat",
            "version" : "7.8.1"
          "ecs" : {
            "version" : "1.5.0"
          "Status" : "online",
          "host" : {
            "os" : {
              "codename" : "Maipo",
              "platform" : "rhel",
              "version" : "7.8 (Maipo)",
              "family" : "redhat",
              "name" : "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server",
              "kernel" : "3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64"
            "id" : "0979853c5fc248359ccb2b6e9f67bd3e",
            "containerized" : false,
            "ip" : [
            "name" : "",
            "mac" : [
            "hostname" : "",
            "architecture" : "x86_64"
        "_index" : "filebeat-7.8.1-2020.12.09-000001",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "1",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "Node" : "feed_asts_ccy_securities",
          "Status" : "online",
          "MsgIn" : "0",
          "VER" : "39e1e",
          "Warns" : "0",
          "Pid" : "17852",
          "System" : "MC_IFT_SBRF",
          "Errs" : "0",
          "MsgOut" : "223144"
  "aggregations" : {
    "filebeat-7.8.1-2020.12.09-000001" : {
      "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,
      "sum_other_doc_count" : 0,
      "buckets" : [
          "key" : "feed_asts_ccy_securities",
          "doc_count" : 1
          "key" : "feed_micex",
          "doc_count" : 1
          "key" : "some_name",
          "doc_count" : 1

If the example is correct, it is!

The question is why I can not use this aggregatable "Node" in "Terms" in "Split Series" in "Visualization"?

Good news from Graphana:

I can select it. And it works !!!

So, the problem is in the Kibana.

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