Hello everyone.
I tried to add some filterthe s into visualization section and like you the see on screen I selecthe ted in controls panel on the right side Index patter apm-*-transaction and I tried to add in filter url.full : reportManager or url.fragment but those fields are not visible in drop down.
After those attempts I add a filter as a DSL query :
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"bool": {
"minimum_should_match": 1,
"should": [
"query_string": {
"fields": [
"query": "*reportManager*"
"must": [],
"must_not": [],
"should": []
But this wasn't help to retrieve correct values in dropdown.
I checked the saved objects section and how it looks like there :
I followed those examples :
Can someone help me with this
I am wondering if this is a bug ? or I missed something in configuration.
Thanks in advance.
(Jorge Sanz)
September 6, 2022, 3:18pm
I assume you are in Kibana 7.x. Check this issue and comments where the same behavior is described.
opened 08:44AM - 01 Apr 20 UTC
Feature:Input Control
**Kibana version:** 7.6
**Elasticsearch version:** 7.6
**Server OS version… :** N/A
**Browser version:** N/A
**Browser OS version:** N/A
**Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, from source, etc.):** Elastic Cloud
**Describe the bug:** When creating a new visualization "Control", I can choose the index pattern I want in the options of the control but if I need to add certain filter, I only can do it using the default (preferred) index pattern that may not match with the index pattern used in the control, so it's not possible to filter the documents.
**Steps to reproduce:**
1. Create a new Visualization > Control
2. Add a new control, e.g.: Option List
3. In the new control options, specify an index pattern that doesn't match the default (preferred) index pattern and complete the control options choosing any field
4. Add a new filter by clicking in the link "+ Add filter": the fields displayed doesn't match the index pattern chosen in the control settings and there is no way to change the index pattern of the filter
**Expected behavior:** The index pattern of the filter should be able to be changed or identify the index pattern from the controls' options and providing the list of the fields of all the index patterns used
**Screenshots (if relevant):**
**Errors in browser console (if relevant):**
**Provide logs and/or server output (if relevant):**
**Any additional context:**
In the new version of the controls for 8.x you cannot specify filters for the controls visualization.
The ability to pre-filter the new Controls is being considered for phase III of the Controls project. The issue related to this enhancement request is here
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October 4, 2022, 4:24pm
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