Visualize test resutls


I am new to ELK.
i am struggling with basic visualizations i want to create.

i have an index that contains test results. Every night i run X cycles, each cycle contains a many tests.
each document has 5 fields:
name: Name of the test cycle
pass: The amount of tests that passed in this cycle
fail: The amount of tests that failed in this cycle
total:l The total amount of tests that ran in this cycle
tag: a unique tag for that day

i want to have a grouped bar chart that will have for each cycle, a pass and fail bar adjacent to one another
It can also a pie char for each cycle containing the pass and fail in it.

and then see only the visualization on the dashboard per tag (using a control) _

Thanks !

Hello @matti_gottlieb, welcome to the community!

Bar chart and pie chart are examples of aggregation-based visualizations that you can use. But if you're unsure about the visualization type you want to use, my suggestion is to use Kibana Lens. You will drag the fields you want to visualize to the workspace and then you will have some visualization suggestions. When choosing you can customize. After saving the visualization (save as new visualization), in the Dashboard, you can add the visualization (add from library) and use global filters to filter all visualizations, for example, by the test cycle name.