Visualizing fading effect of geo points in kibana

@warkolm @tsmalley

The above solution that i have shared was a work around that i could do.

But this is what i am not looking for.

I want to use the original dataset, which has a timestamp field in it. I then want to utilize that timestamp to reflect the @timestamp in elasticsearch....which can be done.
Then i want to fetch records using a query and custom score function such that the most recent ones have highest score and the score gradually decreases with timestamp. This again can be done.


Using this discussion i created a score function for timestamp.

So now i have the original dataset without the myscore field, and using my custom query i get results which has score updated according to timestamp.


    curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/test/_search?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
        "query": {
            "function_score": {
                "gauss": {
                    "@timestamp": {
                          "origin": "1496061764181", 
                          "scale": "1ms", 
                          "decay" : 0.5 

But the problem is that i cannot achieve this fading effect when i consider _score field. Refer below screenshots.


Why is _score field on hovering over the point not reflecting the score? And why can't the fading effect be achieved with this?

Please can you suggest what can be done.