Watcher Beta key reporting as expired

I received my Watcher beta key this afternoon after the webinar, but after I followed the installation instructions in the Get Started page provided and tried to hit the API, I am met with LicenseExpiredException[license expired for feature [watcher]].

Surely this license can't actually be expired? Am I missing something?

Yeah, I'm having the same issue. I"m running Elasticsearch 1.5.2 I'm wondering if maybe we can't play with it until a later date as in, the license is only good from 5/21 - 6/21.

Not sure why this happens. Did you try to install Watcher on an existing cluster or just on a new single node cluster? (both should work, just try to understand why Watcher fails with this error)

I'm just testing out functionality of Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Watcher. Everything I'm working with is on a single node on my local machine.

I installed it onto an existing three node cluster running ES 1.5.2

I see what the issue was. I was calling the watcher API on a non-master node in the cluster. Running it on the master works as expected. Thanks, all.

Hi Jason,

If you installed Watcher and license plugins on all nodes then you should be able to invoke Watcher apis on all nodes too. If that isn't the case then something is wrong.


I got a beta key this morning for watcher. I am running an ES 1.5.2 cluster with the licence update that was mentioned in another post. When I invoke the curl to setup a monitor it throws the licence expired error. Any thoughts?



Hi Geoff,

You can check your license via the get license api. (curl
'localhost:9200/_licenses' ). Can you share the output? (you should omit
the private details, just remove the 'uid' fields).


Yea! I got there in the end.... same issues... but I am over it now.

Ok.. you apparently have to install watcher on all your nodes, irrespective of whether they are a master node or not. At least that was the clincher for me. I was getting the same LicenseKey expired error until I did that.

Hope this helps someone