What are the differences between the Kibana 'oss' and 'non-oss' build?

Thanks Mark,

By sending me that link, I assume you're telling me the 'oss' version of the package contains none of the paid-for Elastic features. This is fine.

I can see that when I build the 'oss' version of the packages, it adds a '-oss' to the name, yet the publicly released packages do not include this. E.g

My build creates: kibana-oss-6.4.2-x86_64.rpm
Publicly release package: kibana-6.4.2-x86_64.rpm

Can you tell me why there is a difference in the naming? Am I right to assume the publicly released package is the 'oss' version? Is there an easy way for me to drop the '-oss' from my builds? No biggy if I can't.


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