What is ram.percent and heap.percent

GET /_cat/nodes?v&pretty

ip             heap.percent ram.percent cpu load_1m load_5m load_15m node.role master name
XX.XX.XX.XX             73          99  30    2.06    1.60     1.10 d         -      ed1
XX.XX.XX.XX             22          65   1    0.14    0.04     0.01 m         -      em3
XX.XX.XX.XX             85          99  39    2.24    1.38     0.82 d         -      ed3
XX.XX.XX.XX             41          68   2    0.09    0.03     0.01 m         -      em1
XX.XX.XX.XX             52          47   1    0.09    0.04     0.01 -         -      ec2
XX.XX.XX.XX             62          79  11    0.41    0.20     0.12 m         *      em2
XX.XX.XX.XX             39          99  19    3.48    1.95     1.09 d         -      ed2
XX.XX.XX.XX             23          58   1    0.07    0.03     0.01 -         -      ec1

what does ram.percent and heap.percent mean each node have 15gb memory and heap size is 7gb does ram.percent is showing the memory percentage of system or elasticsearch heap size

I'd strongly suggest you look at the documentation as the first point of reference. There's been a few topics you have created that could have been directly answered by checking the docs. We don't mind helping, but it's also useful to help yourself and it'll speed your learning and understanding a lot faster than waiting on answers to your questions.

https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/cat-nodes.html answers these questions.

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