What is X-Pack Watcher's Slack action "recipient" for?

I can't seem to find any documentation on this. I configured the Slack app with a webhook to a certain channel. From what I can tell, with Slack it is one channel per webhook, so I'm not sure what the point of the "recipient" field is when creating a Watcher. It doesn't seem to do anything for me and always just goes to the channel the webhook is for.


are you referring to the to field in the slack action? See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elastic-stack-overview/6.5/actions-slack.html

If so, you . can control whom want to send a message as well. Just try it out :slight_smile:

Hope that makes sense.


Nope, I mean this section of the Watcher UI in Kibana:

oh I see. This is the to field and can be a user or a channel (optionally).

Which is what I'm confused about. I created a Slack app and a webhook for that app. The X-Pack Slack settings takes a url setting that I put that webhook url into. That webhook in Slack is what is set to send messages to a particular channel / user. So I added a webhook for a set channel, and because that webhook is only for that one Slack channel, setting to or recipient on the Kibana / Elasticsearch side of things doesn't change anything for me. It always just send to that one Slack channel.

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