What should be specified in the filebeats config to connect to Elastic search cloud?

I am trying to setup filebeats to connect to elasticsearch cloud to send my custom application .json log file.

What configuration setting do I need to add to the filebeat.yml config to send logs to the correct elasticsearch cloud instance ?

Running a

-> % ./filebeat test output
elasticsearch: https://jcc-firstdeployment.kb.us-central1.gcp.cloud.es.io:9200...
  parse url... OK
    parse host... OK
    dns lookup... OK
    dial up... ERROR dial tcp connect: operation timed out

checking config with filebeat test config - is OK.

I believe to be pointing this to the incorrect cloud location.... can someone assist?

I do not use Elastic Cloud, but if I'm not wrong this endpoint is for Kibana, it as a kb , you need to use the endpoint to Elasticsearch.

I think you just need to replace the kb by es.

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Thank you, unfortunately, changing from "kb" to "es" results in the same error:

elasticsearch: https://jcc-firstdeployment.es.us-central1.gcp.cloud.es.io:9200...
  parse url... OK
    parse host... OK
    dns lookup... OK
    dial up... ERROR dial tcp connect: operation timed out

That is correct... BUT you need to add the port :443 otherwise it will default to 9200, which is not correct (that should be in the docs)


cloud.id will work as is

Looks like that might have done it, thank you.
I have a different problem now:


talk to server... ERROR failed to parse JSON response: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value

however I will work off of these new errors now and circle back via a separate thread if I hit a wall

Thank you for your help!

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