What values are non-acceptable while making inverted index of a field?

I have a field 'request' which contains values which are just URL endpoints. Example "/context-root/url-pattern/endpoint"
I have a case where the value of my field is : "/bankingnet/rltxn?sXML=%3C?xmlversion=%271.0%27%20?%3E%3CFCRTXN%3E%3CKEYINFO%3E%3CDATETIME%3E%3C/DATETIME%3E%3CSTAN%3E%3C/STAN%3E%3CAPPID%3E7000%3C/APPID%3E%3CTRANSACTIONID%3E7003%3C/TRANSACTIONID%3E%3CAGENCYID%3E231%3C/AGENCYID%3E%3CTXNREFNO%3E868731257%"

This value is not being taken up by elastic in inverted index. Why could that be? Can somebody please give me a technical explanation for it?

Hi @ayaan604 !

This value is not being taken up by elastic in inverted index.

What do you mean? Are you searching for it and not finding results?

What is the mapping for your request field and what is the expected behaviour you'd like to see?